
Cogglegivesyouaclearwaytoshareandunderstandcomplexinformation.It'sacollaborativedocumentthatsimplifiescomplexthingsandasharedworkspaceto ...,Thesimplest,cleanestmindmappingtoolontheweb.Cogglegivesyouaclearwaytoshareandunderstandcomplexinformation.It'sacollaborativemind-mapping ...,融入了全部左、右腦的心智技能,以達到兼具邏輯與創意、科學與藝術、理性與感性的全腦思考模式.孫易新(1997)老師自英國引...

Simple Collaborative Mind Maps

Coggle gives you a clear way to share and understand complex information. It's a collaborative document that simplifies complex things and a shared workspace to ...

Coggle - Collaborative Mind Maps

The simplest, cleanest mind mapping tool on the web. Coggle gives you a clear way to share and understand complex information. It's a collaborative mind-mapping ...

心智圖(Mind Map)

融入了全部左、右腦的心智技能,以達到兼具邏輯與創意、科學與藝術、理性與感性的全腦思考模式. 孫易新(1997)老師自英國引進華人社會. 步驟. 全面套用圖像效果.

Login to start Mind Mapping

Yes! As long as you use the same email address with your Microsoft/Apple/Google accounts, then you can use any of them to log in to the same Coggle account.

Mind Map Examples Gallery

The Coggle Gallery. Find inspiration, templates and examples from our selection of the best public diagrams and mind maps made with Coggle.

Create Mind Maps with Coggle

To create a Coggle mind map, click the (+) buttons on the central item to add branches, then enter a text label for each branch.


評分 4.1 (471) The simplest, cleanest mind mapping tool on the web. Coggle gives you a clear way to share and understand complex information.


Coggle採網頁線上操作,只要連進去Coogle的網站,點進自己的帳號,就可以看到曾經創建過的心智圖表。編輯好的檔案可以選擇多種格式下載,包含常用的PDF和PNG圖 ...


Coggle is online software for creating and sharing mindmaps and flowcharts. It works online in your browser: there's nothing to download or install. Log in to ... Top Mindmap Uses · Coggle Organisations for Easy... · Login · Gallery

在App Store 上的「Coggle」

評分 3.6 (19) · 免費 · iOS Coggle gives you a clear way to share and understand complex information. It's a collaborative mind-mapping and flow charting tool that simplifies complex thing

MindMaple Lite 1.71 心智圖繪製工具

MindMaple Lite 1.71 心智圖繪製工具
